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An aesthetic chin is one of the important elements of an attractive face. A chin shape that is compatible with the face, a smooth jawline line and a symmetrical appearance play an important role in making the general appearance of the face more attractive. A neat chin shape and line symbolizes youth, vitality and attractiveness. Having a “smooth and defined jaw line” usually means having a defined border that runs straight from the corner of the chin to the tip of the chin. In order to have a good jaw line, the bone structure of the chin should be prominent, the skin on the chin should not be sagging and oily, the corner of the chin and the tip of the chin should be prominent.





15 min.

Recovery Time


Final Conclusion




At the beginning of the deformities in the chin are the back of the chin, the uncertainty of the jaw line line, asymmetries and sagging under the chin. Filling materials are used to eliminate the volume deficiencies in the chin. When fillers are injected under the skin, they raise the overlying skin. Desired contours are created by eliminating the lack of volume. The effect times of filler injections may vary according to the contents of the products used.
At the beginning of the deformities in the chin are the back of the chin, the uncertainty of the jaw line line, asymmetries and sagging under the chin. Filling materials are used to eliminate the volume deficiencies in the chin. When fillers are injected under the skin, they raise the overlying skin. Desired contours are created by eliminating the lack of volume. The effect times of filler injections may vary according to the contents of the products used.

There are various filling materials used for filling the chin. These include hyaluronic acid fillers, adipose tissue, calcium hydroxyapatite, etc. countable. The most preferred material as a jawline filler is hyaluronic acid fillers. Hyaluronic acid fillers create volume by keeping some liquid in the area where they are injected. When shaping along the chin tip, chin corner and jaw line, a 'V' shaped chin shape is revealed. There is no need for anesthesia during the jawline filling procedure. There is no pain after the injection. The patient returns to his normal life immediately after the injection.

Another material used as chin filler is fat filler. Fat tissue is taken from the person himself. After undergoing various processes, it is put into injectable form. It can be done locally or under sedation. In fat injections, some of the injected fat will be absorbed by the body. For this reason, a little more than the required amount is injected during the injection. At the end of the second month after the injection, the remaining amount of fat remains for many years.

One of the important points to be considered while creating the jawline is the chewing muscle called the masseter. When the masseter muscle is too bulky, it causes the jaw to appear rounder and causes clenching problems. When is applied to the masseter muscle, the muscle weakens and its mass decreases. Along with the reduced muscle mass, the functional problem of clenching is eliminated, while a smoother and 'V' shaped jaw line can be obtained aesthetically.

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